Community Corner

Northeast Cobb Man Fights Foreclosure

"I look forward to breaking the cycle of silence that keeps so many Cobb residents from standing up to the banks and defending their homes," says occupying homeowner.

A Marietta man who feels he has been unjustly foreclosed upon by his bank is beginning a 24 hour, seven day a week occupation protest to save his home.

Steve Bordeaux, an unemployed homeowner, has been fighting to keep his out of foreclosure. In order to save his house, he applied for an emergency home loan modification from his bank. The process was moving along properly until, according to Bordeaux, the IRS did not get his tax transcripts to the bank in time. Because of the delay, the bank began foreclosure sale proceedings.

One day after the foreclosure sale was complete, Bordeaux's tax transcripts arrived.

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Bordeaux's story is not at all unique in Georgia, which is leading the nation in foreclosures. According to RealtyTrac, one in every 300 houses in Georgia is going through foreclosure, compared to one in 639 at the national level.

To protest his treatment from the bank, Bordeaux has joined with the Cobb United for Change Coalition (CUCC) and Occupy Our Homes ATL (OOHA) to announce a constant vigil outside the foreclosed home at Rubes Landing. The goal of the vigil is to "occupy" the home until the bank and Bordeaux reach a solution that will keep him in his home.

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Is this homeowner going about saving his home the right way? Do you feel the bank was unfair to him? Tell us in the comments!

"Georgia, is now the epicenter of the foreclosure crisis. We have to do something about this, and we have to do it now," says Occupy Homes organizer Allie McCullen.

The announcement of the protest campaign will be made on Monday at 3 p.m. outside the Bordeaux home at 1525 Rubes Lndg, Marietta.

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